It's that time of year...the time when I trek back home to the OC and spend Christmas at the beach. Well not literally at the beach but pretty darn close. In fact I usually try to make a few trips to the city of Newport Beach and at least dip my toes in the sand, stare at the waves and breathe that clean ocean air during my annual yuletide trip to the mother ship of California.
And man does it feel good to be home, laying in my own bed right now as I type this blog entry. As I think back to where I was a year ago, practically fleeing to Cali after a tough breakup to lick my wounds, clear my head and desperately trying to find the person that had gotten so lost.
I remember how much peace and comfort I experienced in those first few days. The welcoming hugs from my family, the big smile on my brothers' faces, my best friend Sari and I had a "stich and bitch," I slept in, went out with friends, drank soothing cups of coffee, read a great book recommended to me by my friend Diana and even laughed a little.
California has always been my happy place. A time to see friends, to shop, to relax and play. A time to celebrate my birthday and "go big or go home." This year promises to be even better. My little brother and I have plans to go out on the town ;) He's now 19 - such a babe still - but old enough to hang with his big sis. And it's time for him to learn how to "go big or go home" and going home isn't an option.
This may also be my last Christmas in the golden state. My parents are thinking about moving this summer to either North Carolina or a suburb or Atlanta. So I really have no choice but to soak in all the sunshine and fun times that I can on this trip.
So far plans include dancing, eating, shopping, snowboarding in Big Bear, Christmas Eve party with the family at my parents house, post Christmas party at Grandpa's house, lunch with Grandma, sleep and much, much more.
This year has been about fun and as the year winds down to a close I fully intend to go out with a bang. Why slow down now just because its the holidays? Its just all the more reason to have fun and bringing my brother along for the ride is even cooler.