Its been awhile since I hung out with my TV family but whenever I do its always a blast and tonight was no exception. It wasn't exactly a tweetup but it was a meeting arranged earlier this week via twitter after some friendly banter back and forth between myself and @BigRedInTejas over our beloved SPURS.
And tonight I got to continue that banter in person as I talked with senior sports producer Brett Baker aka @BigRedInTejas. But I also had fun joking with @adamthephotog. He even let me wear his top hat.

My other twilights of the evening...I finally met @joeruiz in person, added producer Trevor Zickgraf aka @yowhatupT to my tweeps lineup and laughed with Steve Roldan as he shared Fiesta horror stories.
Its been said that us newsies have a strange sense of humor and anyone who happened to have heard our conversations on the patio probably would have agreed...especially the flying scissor kick-face plant story..hilarious. You take the cake on that one @yowhatupT!
As the night wore on, we shared story after story and laugh after laugh, and I was reminded just how much I love my tweeps.
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