I lost my best friend today. No I didn't misplace him like a set of keys. And no Starkey isn't a dog. Starkey is my partner in crime, my dancing buddy, my "it's always sunny in Philadelphia" marathon watching, drive me to the airport in his jeep, favorite now former WOAI photog. Today he packed up that same Jeep Wrangler and headed out west to Phoenix *sniff*

Starkey and I first really bonded over WOAI's extended coverage of the "Winter Blast" when we were stranded in Kerrville for 5 days.
We worked like dogs and did live hits every 15 to 30 minutes for the wall to wall coverage. We laughed, cried, complained, shivered and played with my mac books photo booth program to pass the time. We became great friends.

Since I left WOAI, Starkey has consistently kept in touch with me and we've remained close. He's the kind of person you don't forget - always has a smile on his face, a quick one liner to make you laugh or a comforting hug just when you need it. He makes friends fast and doesn't lose them easily - not even if he or they move away, which is common in the news business.
Thank heavens Southwest has a quick, cheap, direct flight to Phoenix. Vaya Con Dios my friend. Until we meet again.

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