These days its all about appreciating the little things. Right now I'm sitting in my house with the windows open and basking in the breeze. Its that attitude of: Does it get any better than this?
Just this morning I sat on my couch, drinking my coffee and thanked God for this beautiful blessing that he has bestowed on me. In fact that's how I start most of my mornings - in gratitude for everything that I've been given, especially my house.
It's a feeling of inner peace and serenity and I carry it with me throughout my day. It's a nice change from the chaos that I used to live in.
As a creature of habit I used to thrive on drama and chaos, living in fear of what each day would bring but yet not able to break the vicious cycle of pain that was a constant in my life.
Today life is so different. I work for God. Meaning I give of myself and help others as I think He would have me. Its a completely different way of living life then I ever did before and its entirely more wonderful than I could have ever imagined. That being said He has provided for me in a way that is indescribably more fulfilling then I could have ever hoped for.
Its allowed me to be grateful for the little things and not take anything for granted. Today I know that I am blessed and even though I wonder "Does it get any better than this?" I know it will.
Today, my dear friend, you made the choice to help me. For that, I am so unbelievably thankful. The ringing of my phone, with such a sweet person on the other end of the line, was appreciated more than you may ever know. I hope this year you see it 'get better' every step of the way.